Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Great Servicer

There was once a good man who taught me how to work on everything but computers, who gave me the best advice I have ever come across.  "Don't let customers stand there and watch you work, it freaks them out, you do your best work when they are not watching."  (Thanks Ron).   It's true, its hard to work on something when someone is hovering over your shoulder, moving things around and slowing you down.  Sure there are those that stand quietly and ask a few questions but not always.

A couple months ago I had the honor of working on our pastor's laptop.  It had taken a tumble and was acting weird.  My diagnosis (best guess) was that something had come loose or worse cracked.  So in order to fix it I had to take it apart.  Well the pastor had to go to the church so I sat in the parsonage and thought I could check it out real quick.   Before I had time to even get it apart fully (thanks to a stuck screw), I heard behind me, "Oh no, that's not good!  Wow, look at my laptop." 

After a few minutes of explaining and calming words he was OK, but I think it shocked him, I mean who wouldn't be if they saw me do the    Anyway, to make a story short, I found the loose cable and component and no breaks, re-assembled and sent it on it's way.   I'm sorry I enjoy working on them so much especially for the church because of all it has done for me and my family and I don't expect recognition for it.

Today I was joking about this with someone else as I was doing the same with their laptop.  After fixing it, I had a revelation combined with some wise words from our pastor at last night's Bible study.  Sometimes in life we have to play several roles to get through problems and help others as Christians.

First and foremost there is a great service/repair person I know.  God is the great repair person of our lives and by accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour we can allow him to fix what is wrong.

Second, sometimes we have to play the service/repair person.  We need to have compassion for others and be sorrowful with them, but not let them sink into depression or turn away from God by helping them fix problems, and get them back on track after tragedy and hard times.  This goes for those we do know and those we do not.  We need to be there for people.

Third, at times we need to play the role of the laptop owner who watches the repair person work.  Our first reaction to things is to panic, or question why is this happening.  But we need to stand back, look at the long term results, pray, and put trust in people and most importantly in God that things will turn out right.   The most important thing we can do in this role in regards to ourselves or others is to be there but not get in the way of the Lord's work. 

I can tell you from personal experience it is a great turning point in your relationship with God when the majority of your prayers turn from "God please help me get out of this situation, or get better I beg you", to "God we know all things happen for good, and that you will lead us out of this trying time, for you are with us."

Fourth and last, at times we need to stand still and be the laptop.  We need to let God take apart our lives and our troubles, show us what is wrong, and show us the way to get them fixed and operating at 110%.  This is the hardest thing to do, again unlike the laptop we want to question, deny things are wrong, etc.  Stop and be still, listen to what God is telling you and showing you in your life.

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