Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Simple Prayer For 2012

Dear LORD we humbly bow before you on this day.  I ask that you grant your servant forgiveness for sins and trespasses and the knowledge to correct and repay those I have done wrong.  I pray for understanding and the ability to recognize when I am not walking in YOUR path.

I pray for a strong mind to understand your WORD and your will,
Strong ears to hear to will and your word,
Eyes that see the works around me and to see what needs to be worked upon,
A nose to smell the wondrous world around us,
A mouth to say what you want me to say, to comfort, and to spread your word,
A strong torso to be a place to stand for you and to hold others up when they need you
Arms, legs, hands, and feet to take me and do things that your will sees fit.

I pray for all these things Father, but not for myself, but for my Church family, and for the lost.  For
what am I if I do not wish or ask for these things for others to further your kingdom.  I would be as a miser who finds gold yet hides it to himself and never tells others of his joy.  Only to be found by others, too late to provide wonder and joy and left to the next generation.  I pray that you would not allow us to that Lord, that you would make us the generation that spreads that joy.

Lord I pray all these things in your name, for without you, we cannot do these things, we are as that gold we are the joy to be spread yet we do not always know it.  We ask that you show us your grace and mercy and allow us to be that joy, that everything we do, the glory be to you.  That others not see us, but see you face to face and obtain that relationship with you Lord, let us be YOUR pride and joy, YOUR instruments of work, YOUR perfect pottery on display.  In your HOLY name we pray.