Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Since you saw me last......

Since you saw me last…I and others have been on a journey.  We have taken Acts 8:4 seriously (Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.)  I and others have done wonderful things with the help of our God.  For it is without his guidance and without his great commission in Matthew 28:18-20 that we would not have done these things. 

Since you saw me last….lives have been touched.  The lives of children in poverty, in despair, fear; troubled children who need help on a day to day basis have been touched.  The lives of myself, and others who journeyed to spread the love and word of Jesus Christ have been touched also.   We have shown these people that there is  a place where they can come and forget their daily troubles, forget who they were, forget what they have been through, and find love, compassion, guidance, and most importantly, show them Jesus loves them and wants them to make that choice to accept him as their Savior.

Since you saw me last….I have gone out and shown people the face of Jesus, His greatness, His works, and set an example for him.  I have seen the seed planted, the seed covered, the seed watered.  I have seen those already there that have grown and bore fruit.  And unfortunately, I have seen those still rooted to the rock that were not yet ready to move to the ground and grow, but we gave reason for them to do so.  It’s a funny thing that happens when you show people the face of Jesus.  Jesus shows you his face right back, through children excited about coming to see you, who see you as someone they can trust, that they can have fun with, and learn with.  He shows us those that can tell us the stories of other Christians that we never mentioned on our journey even with the youngest children.  Since you saw me last….I have been taught as well, yet another thing you find; you go to teach and help, but you learn as well.

Since you saw me last….children have come to a place where they worship together, sing songs, study God’s word, ate together (some received food they don’t get at home), created crafts to give to others, learned music and songs that express God’s love in a world where they might never hear them, played together and learned that someone else loves them.  Children learned about missionaries, silent witnesses, and that there is a pocket full of love that does not give out, and to share as much of it every day.  I have seen children who come learn, even if that morning they didn’t experience Jesus before they came, even if they had to dress themselves, get their siblings ready and be an adult before their time.   Since you saw me last….there are things that happened that I did not see myself; those individuals who went back home and told their parents, other adults, other children about what they learned, about how much fun it was, and most importantly, “Hey, did you know that Jesus loves you too?”

Since you saw me last….I have learned that no matter what my problems, my doubts, my worries, my trials and tribulations, that we have an awesome, mighty God, that can take all that away, and if we give in, he can allow us to be used for great things.  He can allow you to step out of your troubles and your comfort zone and touch a life or many lives.  I found that if God wants, he WILL MAKE A WAY, HE CAN SEND YOU FORTH!

Since you saw me last…He has strengthened my relationship with him through all these things that are possible through Christ.  I will invite you to go on our next journey; I will tell you stories of troubles, funny events, and things that touched my heart.  I will tell you why we all should go out, not just because you may touch a life, but most importantly because God will touch you back.  As we left to return to you, there was not a single person who did not feel something back.  You will find that you can grow closer to God, and on that great day when you stand face to face with Jesus you can say, “Hey Jesus, it’s not been long, since I saw YOU last.”