Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Are YOU Not?

This upcoming week our Sunday School lesson includes information from 2 Chronicles 20:1-13.  This is the prayer of Jehoshaphat who trusted in the Lord.  After reading it, I just felt compelled to add to it in the same format.  At the end of the passage in v13, it says that all Judah stood with him in prayer.  May this prayer remind you, help others to come to the Lord, and most importantly inspire you.

Our Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day.  We thank you for the many blessings Your Word bestows upon us.  We humbly call upon you Lord in remembrance of Jehoshaphat's prayer in the assembly of Judah.  "O LORD God of our fathers, are You not God in heaven, and do You not rule over all the kingdoms of the nations, and in Your hand is there not power and might, so that no one is able to withstand You?...." Are You not He who created all in six days and rested on the seventh, who gave us life, and provided for our every need, every day?  Are you not He who knows our path, our ways, and more of who we are from before our birth and on through eternity?  Are you not He who provided for Adam and Eve, and even after sin, and chastising, and casting them out, still provided a way for them to survive?  Are you not He who chastises us when we are not in Your way, but is there waiting for us to return to you every moment of every day?  Are you not He who cleansed the Earth of evil, but provided those who were righteous a way to stay afloat in the flood, He who honored Abraham with the blessing of many nations, honored Moses with the ability to guide your people and provided laws to abide by, honored your people by providing for them in the wilderness, honored the next generation still with more leaders and entry into the promise land?  Are you not He that toppled the enemies of your people in battle, honored your humble servants with blessings, and subjected them to trials to mold and make them better able to serve you and your people?   Are you not He who each and every hour of the day gives us hope, spirit, and joy and the will to spread your good word?  Are you not he who protects us even in our many trials of life just as you did your servants Job and Daniel, He who remembers us even when we fall and even in our last moments and answers our prayers as you did Samson.  Are you not He who provides us with dreams and thoughts to spread your word, to show your will, and walk daily with you?   Are you not He who most importantly came to Earth, and was born to a virgin, gave your only begotten Son, Jesus, to teach and show us the way, but most importantly, to die on the cross, so his blood would cover our sins, especially for a people who were not worthy? Are you not He who rose from the grave after 3 days to show your might and fulfill prophecies that are by human means inconceivable and unreachable, and to fill us with he Holy Spirit upon His ascent into Heaven, and give us the great commission as is written in Matthew 28:19?  Are you not He who provided us a way through Your Son as the way, the truth, and the life, that through him we can believe and have everlasting life?  Are you not He who not by the power of the apostles, but through your great power, did works to promote faith and understanding among the people, to build your churches and spread your Holy Word?  Are you not He who when the time only known to you comes who we will rise up and stand before you to cast our crowns at your feet and worship you shouting Holy! Holy! Holy!   Are you not He who will wipe away the old kingdom, cast Satan and death and sorrow away forever, and establish your new kingdom?  Are you not He who we wake every morning to praise you for all you provide?  Lord we ask all these questions not to You, for we know you are all these things, but ask them to others so that they may know your works.  Heavenly Father we know that you are ALL of these things and more, as it would take more time than can be conceived to mention all your blessings you bestow upon us every second.  We praise You and we thank you for all you provide for us, for the path we know we are on is yours.  Even when we may not see the end result just yet, we know that it is You who has already written it in stone, and provided a way to keep us on the straight and narrow Lord.  It is in Your Holy Name we pray........Amen.

Scott Fuller
July 13, 2011